About Us
Croydon Windrush Consortium
The Windrush Bureau site was developed by the Black Gifted Network working as part of a Croydon Windrush project consortium together with our partners Croydon BME Forum & Black Stock Films. The project is sponsored by the Home Office Windrush Compensation Scheme.
Commissioned By the Windrush Compensation Scheme for the
Support the Black Mentoring Network Here
The Black Gifted Network (BGN) was founded in 2020 as a community social enterprise to inspire, uplift, and support the Black community. BGN undertakes projects in support of the Black community. They are founders of EventGOers the Awards & Events technology platform. BGN are also founders of the Association of Black Mentors, promoting mentoring as a process to disrupt the cycle of social and economic under-achievement that has hindered the black community. As mentoring is now the core focus of BGN, hence they are otherwise known as The Black Gifted Mentoring Network.
Croydon BME Forum is the umbrella organisation for Croydon’s Black and Minority Ethnic voluntary and community sector; engaging people, building capacity, and promoting equality and cohesion. We are a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. The Forum was established to maximise the engagement of BME communities in all aspects of living and working in Croydon.
We make representations on behalf of Croydon’s black and minority ethnic communities to public sector agencies and other statutory and non-statutory organisations.
Black Stock Media & Films
Black Stock Media is a registered company promoting cultural, enterprise and heritage activities, with publishing, photography, film production, exhibition, training, and event management.
Black Stock is committed to alleviating poverty and disadvantage, and to elevating positive pathways and choices for young people and others with ambitions to enter and thrive in the creative industries. The company strives to help alleviate poverty and disadvantage, and to inspire and impact individuals and communities with life-affirming, progressive and creative engagement.